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NCD Alliance Weekly Digest
Wöchentliche Presseschau der NCD Alliance
Global Development News
- UN News: Some 150 million migrants now participating in global workforce – new UN labour agency report
- UN News: Ban hails Paris climate accord as ‘health insurance policy for the planet’ | COP21: UN chief calls on civil society to keep governments accountable on climate commitments
- World Bank: The fall in extreme poverty, the best news in the world
- World Bank: Kenya’s 3 keys to success: How to create an effective public-private partnership unit
- DevPolicy: A fragile symmetry: climate finance in the Paris Agreement
- ODI: Did 2015 pass the five tests for development success?
- CGD: Europe’s Refugee Crisis Hides a Bigger Problem
- Devex: The SDGs' missing link: Connecting people to development goals
- WEF: Paris set a 2C cap on global warming. We’re already at 1C | Which countries have the most work to do to meet the Paris Agreement?
- Post2015: Measuring illicit flows in the SDGs
- Post2015: Emerging themes on the 2030 Agenda in fragile states
Global Health News
- UN News: Urgent support needed to provide health services for 15 million people in Yemen – UN
- WHO: Special UN rapporteur welcomes efforts to advance the right to health in the Americas
- WHO: WHO Intensifies Its Support to the El Niño-Triggered Health Emergency
- WHO: Will there be sufficient health professionals to meet future needs?
- Lancet: Global Financing Facility: where will the funds come from?
- Lancet: Model villages: a platform for community-based primary health care
- World Bank: Afghanistan Builds Capacity to Meet Healthcare Challenges
- World Bank: "Clear rules, and a predictable macro environment are crucial for the private sector to invest, innovate and perform well"
- World Bank: Uniting Behind Universal Health Coverage
- BMJ: Gavin Yamey: Can Japan rouse the G7 nations to action on universal health coverage?
- CGD: Want to Save Lives and Money? Invest in Hospitals.
- CGD: Leveraging Nobel Prize Economics for Improved Global Fund Grant Performance
- Devex: Working hand in hand on global health challenges
- Devex: The key to CVE, health and education? Good governance
- LSHTM: Targeting men could be key to beating TB
- Global Health Now: The Opposite of Martin Shkreli: Drug Development Without Profit
- Development Progress: Going beyond averages: the geographic lottery of child mortality
- Yahoo News: The human cost of cuts to Spain's prized health system
- Jhpiego: Urban Health Project Makes Significant Gains in Expanding Access to Family Planning among Kenyans
NCDs News
- Lancet: Early-onset type 2 diabetes: high lifetime risk for cardiovascular disease
- Lancet: The rollercoaster of post-bariatric hypoglycaemia
- Lancet: Screening to improve ovarian cancer prognosis?
- AllAfrica: Uganda: Avail Drugs for Non-Communicable Diseases - Medics Tell Government
- SciDevNet: The challenge of non-communicable diseases in Africa
- SciDevNet: Experts call for partnerships to fight chronic diseases
- Devex: Jumping the health care hurdles: UHC and noncommunicable diseases
- Journal of American College of Cardiology: Building Sustainable Capacity for Cardiovascular Care at a Public Hospital in Western Kenya
- WCRF: What’s stopping you talking to your patients?
- IPS: Cancer, Not Clashes, the Number One Killer in Kashmir
- The Atlantic: The Risks of Over-the-Counter Diabetes Treatment
Risk Factor News
- McCabe Sentre: McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer welcomes tribunal decision in tobacco plain packaging international investment case
- BMJ: Richard Smith: Why are we doing so badly with hypertension?
- PLoS: 5 Easy Ways to Prevent Overeating During Family Dinners
- WCRF: Festive food swaps for a lower calorie Christmas
- Global Health Hub: “A reflexive, relentless interrogation of common sense”: Emily Yates-Doerr on anthropology, global health, and obesity
- Al Jazeera: Navajo Nation's nutrition crisis - a community where 1 in 3 are diabetic or at risk
- Independent: A&E admissions caused by alcohol rise by 50 per cent in almost a decade
- Independent: One chart that shows why it’s nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off
- NY Times: Rising obesity rates put strain on nursing homes
- Nautilus: Why Living in a Poor Neighborhood Can Make You Fat
- Politico: United Nations agency gives EU a tobacco warning
- Politico: How America’s Top Junk-Food City Went on a Diet (and Fattened Its Economy)
- Reuters: Smoking, secondhand smoke tied to infertility and early menopause
- Next City: Designing a Bike Path to Global Health
- BBC: Sport England to spend more public money on getting children fit
- BBC: Minimum alcohol pricing plan 'may breach EU law'
- Salon: Coca-Cola’s sneaky, evil politics: How Big Soda twisted race and used the Koch Brothers to fight a tax