Deutsche Allianz Nichtübertragbare Krankheiten

NCD Alliance Digest

Pressespiegel: "The Toll of America’s Obesity" (The New York Times)

Beyond the human suffering, diet-related diseases impose massive economic costs.

Global Development News

The Guardian: Heat: the next big inequality issue
The deadly global heatwave has made it impossible to ignore: in cities worldwide, we are now divided into the cool haves and the hot have-nots.

 Human Rights Watch: Myanmar: Security Forces Torture Rohingya Returnees
The mistreatment reinforces the need for international protection, including United Nations monitors on the ground, before Rohingya will be able to return safely to Myanmar.

 UN Women: From where I stand: “I have seen the impact women’s voices can have”
Syar S. Alia is a young woman advocate for gender equality from Malaysia. Her journey as an advocate began with the first Young Women Making Change workshop for cis and trans women in Malaysia, supported by UN Women Fund for Gender Equality.

 The Guardian: How our lives end must no longer be a taboo subject
The recent supreme court ruling underlines how important it is to let relatives and carers know our wishes in advance.


  Global Health News

 The Conversation: Too many Australians have to choose between heating or eating this winter
Once the cost of housing, transport and school are covered, too many Australians are having to choose between heating or eating.

 RTE: Why we need to examine the geopolitics of displacement
Opinion: the current refugee crisis in the EU has much to do with prior Western interventionism over the last half century or more on the borders of Europe, in the Middle East and North Africa.

 LiveMint: Costly nutritious food seen driving up malnutrition in India
Price of nutritional food items in India, and Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Afghanistan has been increasing at a faster rate than the price of a typical food basket, with the gap widening over the years.

  Foodnavigator: Most YouTube adverts targeted at Kids promote ‘unhealthy foods’, study reveals
A new case study analysis of advertisements on YouTube videos that are targeted at children in Malaysia has revealed that food and beverage ads appeared the most frequently, with more than half of them promoting non-core or unhealthy foods.

 Inter Press Service: How the Lack of Affordable Vegetables is Creating a Billion-Dollar Obesity Epidemic in South Africa
Fruit and vegetable prices in South Africa have increased to the point that poorer people have had to remove them from their grocery lists.

 ISglobal: Cycling Is the Urban Transport Mode Associated With the Greatest Health Benefits
A study carried out in seven European cities highlights the role of active transport in good mental health and self-perceived health.


  NCDs News

 Devex: Opinion: Preventing cancer the easy way
Preventing cancer is always a better option than trying cure it, but while we might often think of this as having to involve a major change in behavior or a shift in public health policies — and sometimes even pre-emptive surgery — for some cancers there is another much easier way.

 NCD Alliance: Basic diabetes care shouldn’t depend on luck
An estimated 335 million people living in developing countries have diabetes, but only a fraction have access to the information and care they need to stay healthy.

 Devex: NCDs and HIV: How to simultaneously address needs and enhance care
Progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS has allowed people living with HIV who have access to antiretroviral treatment, or ART, to live longer, healthier lives.

 The Telegraph: Type 2 diabetes has risen 40 per cent among children in obesity epidemic
The condition - normally seen among older adults, and usually caused by excess weight - was not recorded at all among children until this century, but is now soaring, the new figures show.

 Devex: Cities and NCDs: In Melbourne, a challenge to ride for health
Would you ride for your health, or for a free movie ticket? In the city of Melbourne, an app allows riders to get both.

 Croakey: Deplorable omissions in NCD declaration, as government fails to back Indigenous quest for visibility
The declaration arising from next month’s UN High Level Meeting on NCDs is unlikely to make specific mention of the needs and priorities of Indigenous peoples.

 Devex: The divisive issue stalling both NCD, TB negotiations
The United Nations high-level meetings on tuberculosis and noncommunicable diseases take place next month, but member states are still at the negotiation table.


Risk Factors News

 The New York Times: The Toll of America’s Obesity
Beyond the human suffering, diet-related diseases impose massive economic costs.

 The Conversation: Alcohol’s health benefits hard to prove, but harms are easy to document
Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world, including in the United States.

 Medical Express: Alcohol industry resists prioritising health over profits, research finds
The Australian alcohol industry fails to acknowledge the substantial burden of disease caused by their products and resists calls for stronger regulation to reduce harm, new research led by Curtin University has found.

 Devex: Opinion: Action to tackle tobacco in LMICs a moral and strategic imperative
These are the global health challenges that garner political attention and have raised significant funding from institutional and philanthropic donors.

 IOGT International: It’s In The Numbers: Alcohol An Obstacle To Development
Alcohol adversely impacts 13 of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 52 out of the 169 targets. These numbers tell the story of alcohol’s massive burden on sustainable human development.